Saturday, March 17, 2007

Si em mor

I'm obssessed with this song today:

Si em mor, if I die
que el cant siga ja realitat, may the song become reality,
Si em mor, if I die
que les esperances siguen fets may the hopes become facts
i que d'altres continuen and that others continue
el que nosaltres continuem. what we continued.

Si em mor if I die
-quin absurd descans-, - what an absurd rest-,
ja per sempre now forever
lluny de tot el que més estime, far from what I've loved most,
lluny de tot el que més vull. far from what I wish most.

Si em mor, if I die,
que el cant siga ja realitat, may the song become reality,

Si em mor, if I die
que el nostre treball may that our efforts
haja guanyat. be rewarded.
Si em mor. if I die
Si em mor. if I die

This song was written by the Catalan artist Raimon, and appeared for the first time in 1964.
As always, thanks to Cancioneros de Trovadores for the lyrics.